
Saving Water in Santa Barbara – City Rates Take Effect July 1 2015

Here are Sol Wave Water we are committed to helping our community with water conservation. Our new One-to-One reverse osmosis system is the cutting edge in water efficiency for drinking water systems. Most high end RO system have a drain ratio of 4-1; that means that for every one gallon of purified water you make you are sending 4 gallons to drain. We can help! Most reverse osmosis systems can be retrofitted with the 1-1 membrane. Please call us today and save even more water tomorrow. 805-845-5443

Most water softeners, or soft water systems, are not calibrated correctly. You may not need a new softener, you need a professional to check the settings and calibrate it for today’s water hardness and salt efficiency standards. Our first visit is free. Let us help you save the last of our precious water we have left!

From the City of Santa Barbara – NEW WATER RATES TAKE EFFECT JULY 1, 2015

City of Santa Barbara “the Brief”

New Water rates will go into effect on July 1 and will be reflected in August utility bills. The city is currently in the 4th year of historic drought and is relying in all customers to practice extraordinary conservation to reduce water usage and preserve remaining water supplies. Due to the drought, the City is facing increased costs to maintain essential water service, including the cost of water supplies form ground water, water purchasing and desalination.

The fiscal year 2016 water rates were determined with the use of a rate model developed with an expert rate consultant. The water rates are designed to:

  • Reflect the actual cost of service, as required by Proposition 218;
  • Promote extraordinary water conservation;
  • Be fair and equitable; and
  • Ensure revenue stability

Customers are encouraged to visit SantaBarbaraCA.gov/Water to see the full table of new rates for all customer types and to use the online Water Rate Calculator to estimate water charges.

The City’s updated water rates reflect the cost if reactivating the City’s Charles Meyer Desalination Facility (desal) in order to meet the City’s water supply needs.   Due to better loan terms, and a design concept that will save in operating costs, the annual cost of desal is less that originally estimated. However, additional revenues are needed for this new supply. On June 16, City Council approved the design contract for the reactivation of the desal plant. The contract for construction is expected to be awarded by Council in July, and the desal plant is expected to be online and supplying water in the fall of 2016 at a capacity of 3125 acre-feet per year.

Even with desalination, we are relying on our community for extraordinary conservation measures and a reduction in water usage of 25% City-wide compared to 2013 usage. Our water customers are doing a great job so far by reducing water use by a cumulative average of 24% compared to 2013. The city’s Water Conservation Program is here to help customers evaluate and reduce landscape watering, check for leaks, read their meter, and learn about rebates and resources. For more information, visit SantaBarbaraCA.gov/waterwise or call 564-5460