Best Day Foundation- Ventura


Best Day Foundation enables children and young adults with special needs to build confidence and self-esteem through adventure activities which stretch their limits, expand their true potential, reinforce their achievement, & connect them with diverse populations in their community.

Special needs supported;

  • Autism
  • Blindness
  • Cancer
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Down syndrome
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Other injury, illness or developmental challenges

Current activities include;

  • Tandem surfing
  • Body boarding
  • Kayaking
  • SUP (stand up paddling)
  • Outrigger canoeing
  • Beach activities
  • Snow sports


We achieve this by empowering communities across the country to offer special days at the beach and snow to children with special needs. Best Day provides back-end services, support, training, and business resources to ensure that safe, self-sufficient programs are created. The program is funded through donations, grants and sponsorships.

Best Day currently has chapters serving;

  • Chesapeake Bay Virginia and Northern North Carolina
  • Florida
  • New Jersey
  • Los Angeles county California
  • Orange county, California
  • San Diego, county, California
  • Santa Barbara county, California
  • Ventura county, California


Best Day is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit (Tax-ID 26-2223078) founded in March 2008 in Santa Cruz, CA by Brooks Lambert and Max Montgomery, two long-time Ride a Wave volunteers who wished to share a similar program with other communities.

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