Organic Soup Kitchen –

The Organic Soup Kitchen provides metabolic oncology nutrition and food security to support the health and wellness of small-income seniors and other individuals with cancer or chronic illness.

Our vision is to be a scalable model to non-profits in communities where the most vulnerable are at risk. We train others in our unique techniques and practices of nutrient-dense soup processing, and we operate as a social enterprise to ensure sustainability while increasing community and social impact.

Diet matters as you recover.

It is our belief that an organic, plant-based diet is an integral part of a cancer patients’ journey to recovery. Consuming functional foods feeds your immune system and supports the defense mechanisms that protect your body from infections and disease. Our SoupMeals are designed to give clients a full spectrum of nutrients in order to help avoid malnutrition, and aid the restoration of your immune system, from the first spoonful.


Donation:  Bottled Water for the Guests~

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